Frequently Asked Questions about Breathwork
What is it?
Breathwork is a breathing technique. It is a tool for inner work. Continual connected breathing over a period of time energizes the body and may bring old memories, feelings and physical tension into awareness or produce an altered state of consciousness. Accepting (integrating) these sensation and experiences results in a profound sense of relaxation and wellbeing. This usually results in healing of sickness, realisations that change one's attitudes to situations or inspiration for renewing or new projects.
How do I do it?
It is usually done lying down. The Breathworker (sitter) sits beside the breather and guides him/her into a relaxed breathing rythm. He/she is also available for support physically and energetically during the session. Within a two hour consultation the breathing may take from 30 to 90 minutes sometimes longer.
What can happen?
Because there are many differnt ways to breathe and approaches to breath sessions it is difficult to predict any one session. Every person is unique and each session is influenced by their state of mind, health, emotions and physical fitness. Typical symptoms during the session are:
- changes of temperature (feeling hot or cold)
- tightness, tingling, cramping, perspiration
- emotional release of sadness, anger or fear etc.
- memories of past events, recent and back to early childhood, birth and conception
- memories of past lifetimes
- deep relaxation and a sense of bliss
- an experience of meditation
- realisations, understanding
Is it for everyone?
Everyone can benefit from a breathing session. There are many differnt styles and it is a matter of finding the one that is most suited to the type of condition a person is in. However it is not recommended to anyone who is not ready yet to accept personal responsibility. This means someone who does not believe in the concept that 'we are the creators of all our experiences'. Also, people who do not want to change themselves or are willing to accept change of their life situation. People who are not able to follow breathing instructions cannot be guided into a breathing session. Even children, elderly people and the infirm can benefit from one of the meditative connected breathing styles.
Is it safe?
No-one has died from breathwork.
Does it always work?
It works if the breather is able to keep the breath connected, breathe deeply and stay conscious and connected to their body during a session. Sometimes if a person cannot breathe deeply enough in the allotted time or they are too uncertain to fully relax into the process or they fall asleep, the session does not bring any results. When the breather has certain expectations of the session it can happen that he/she does not notice the results if they are differnt from their expectations.
Will breathwork change my life?
Yes, breathwork is a powerful tool. It brings about changes in the personality by releasing physical and emotional tensions. This increases your awareness and clears unconscious beliefs and patterns of behaviour.
Breathwork also transforms. This refers to our state of soul. After some time of regular sessions the rebirthee's understanding of human nature expands. Through the dis- identification from personality patterns the individual emerges and an awarenes of being a soul evolves. The changes that occur in the soul are usually referred to as transformation, because they change a person, not just their behaviour.
Is it hyperventilation?
Breathwork is not hyperventilation. Hyperventilation is over-breathing; pushing the exhale. In Breathwork the only effort is on the inhale. Hyperventilation is normally caused by stress and tension, while the focus in Breathwork is on complete relaxation.
How many sessions should I do?
Rebirthers offer different cycles of sessions. It is recommended that new rebirthees have a sequence of sessions to begin with. This helps to really learn how to use the breath efficiently. It cannot be learned in one session. Another reason for session cycles of 3, 5 or 10 sessions is to have the continuity to work on deeper issues. Some issues are not dealt with in one session. For example the effects of very traumatic events like rape or violence or severe accidents, war tauma etc, require time. Each Rebirth is a step in the unfolding of the body memory and each person will find their own pace at which to work. A commitment to a session cycle also helps to overcome resistance when uncomfortable feelings and experiences emerge from the subconscious.
Is it a cult?
Definitely not; breathwork is a breathing technique. It is not a religion. Rebirthers respect most systems of thought and belief. The technique is open to your individual interpretation.
Why has the name been changed from Rebirthing to breathwork?
When the technique was established in the late 1970s, many people experienced release from birth trauma. However, to day it is known that birth trauma is only one aspect of a wide range of traumas. Back then, many people experienced the beginning of their spiritual journey through breathwork as a spiritual birth. The energies during a breathwork session can be the same as during childbirth. The name change has cause confusion. Some people believe that breathwork and rebirthing are two different things and there has been much debate amongst the members of the profession. Many ex-rebirthers believe that breathwork more accurately describes the technique.
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