
Discover true joy and deep, cellular healing. Breathwork in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Location: Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

I'm a breathworker and Rebirther in Johannesburg, South Africa. I've been studying breathwork for the past eight years, besides training in the Body Alignment Technique, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), The Journey and energy healing. Most recently I've completed training in the principles and techniques of Hakomi or Body-centered Psychotherapy, founded by Ron Kurtz. I combine the Hakomi principles and techniques intuitively with breathwork, leading to astounding results. I am also a creativity coach and counsellor.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Benefits of breathwork

Improve your health from the inside out

Restrictive breathing patterns support subconscious defense mechanisms to "stuff down" unpleasant emotions. In fact, such unhealthy breathing patterns are often the result of previous attempts to cope with traumatic emotional or physical events dating back as early as birth.

When feelings go unexpressed they are consciously repressed or subconsciously "suppressed" (i.e., stored in the mind and body as chronic tension). It is inevitable that unexpressed feelings/emotions are eventually expressed as pain and disease. Since feelings are a form of energy, which cannot be destroyed (as proven by Einstein years ago), but can only change form, it is our responsibility to transform this energy before it causes disease in our bodies and/or minds.

Live in Abundance

Breathing is the one involuntary metabolic function that becomes voluntary the moment we choose to take the reigns. This begins to explain why Rebirthing Breathwork ultimately leads to the vivid experience of co-creating our lives consciously, instead of being the result of random thoughts and events. We can choose to be at the mercy of life, or we can choose to master it.

Once we take the reigns, creating abundance becomes as simple as receiving it. Most often, a lack of abundance is the result of a belief in "never enough" or "not feeling worthy". A series of Rebirthing breathwork sessions clear out these limiting beliefs and we begin to notice and eliminate habitual "self-sabotage" behaviors.

Heal Relationships

Have you ever been in a relationship with someone who always seems to want to control your behavior, your thoughts, your life? Most people are conditioned to believe that the only way to be loved is to have power over others. This way, we believe, we can feel secure (i.e., needed, wanted, desired).

Rebirthing Breathwork brings a whole new perspective to relationships because it facilitates a vivid, undeniable level of communication with Spirit. Through this connection, we realize that we already have access to all the love we could possibly want, and of a quality we could never get by manipulating people. The question transforms from "how much can I get from you" to "how much will you allow me to give to you."

Build Strength On All Levels

The best athletes would not be the best without understanding the importance of full diaphramatic breathing. Once understood, they must then master the breath as a primary tool. It brings focus to the mind, energy to the body in general, and strength to the muscles specifically. It also increases focus, performance, and endurance.

Increase Your Energy Level and Reduce Stress

Do you ever feel frustrated about not having enough energy to do all the things you would like to do? Increasing oxygen levels in your bloodstream is key to increasing the energy available to your mind and to your body. Seventy percent (70%) of our energy comes from our breathing. Rebirthing Breathwork sessions energize you with a large immediate influx of oxygen. It also retrains your breathing mechanisms (muscles, lung tissue, habitual patterns) to take in more oxygen when stressed instead of the anxiety ridden flight or flight reactions.

Royal road to healing

"Most personal growth courses focus on intellectual content and that of following mind disciplines. But no matter how restrictive or hard they may be, they do not unlock and integrate subconscious patterns," writes Matthew Favaloro, a Rebirthing breathworker.

"Because these mind courses deal with intellectual understanding, they try to get you to "work it out" with your mind. Rebirthing helps integration and natural healing to occur on all levels of being."

"Rebirthing for me, has integrated all the other personal growth courses that I have done and has added great value to my spiritual quest, teaching and purpose in life."

Effects of poor breathing

Poor breathing reduces the efficiency of one's lungs and thus the available oxygen. One must take two to four times more breaths to compensate. This increases the individual's energy expenditure and heart rate and retards venous flow and discharge of metabolic wastes from the cells to the kidneys and lungs before these wastes can do harm (About 70% of the body's waste products are eliminated through the lungs, 30% through the urine, feces and skin).

Poor breathing retards the lymphatic system and the destruction of bacteria. It also reduces digestive juices available and increase of toxins in the digestive tract. It weakens and dis-harmonizes almost every major system in the body and makes us more susceptible to chronic and acute diseases of all kinds infections, constipation, respiratory illnesses, digestive problems, ulcers, depression, sexual disorders, sleep disorders, fatigue, headaches , poor blood circulation and premature aging.

Frequently Asked Questions about Breathwork

What is it?

Breathwork is a breathing technique. It is a tool for inner work. Continual connected breathing over a period of time energizes the body and may bring old memories, feelings and physical tension into awareness or produce an altered state of consciousness. Accepting (integrating) these sensation and experiences results in a profound sense of relaxation and wellbeing. This usually results in healing of sickness, realisations that change one's attitudes to situations or inspiration for renewing or new projects.

How do I do it?

It is usually done lying down. The Breathworker (sitter) sits beside the breather and guides him/her into a relaxed breathing rythm. He/she is also available for support physically and energetically during the session. Within a two hour consultation the breathing may take from 30 to 90 minutes sometimes longer.

What can happen?

Because there are many differnt ways to breathe and approaches to breath sessions it is difficult to predict any one session. Every person is unique and each session is influenced by their state of mind, health, emotions and physical fitness. Typical symptoms during the session are:

  • changes of temperature (feeling hot or cold)
  • tightness, tingling, cramping, perspiration
  • emotional release of sadness, anger or fear etc.
  • memories of past events, recent and back to early childhood, birth and conception
  • memories of past lifetimes
  • deep relaxation and a sense of bliss
  • an experience of meditation
  • realisations, understanding

Is it for everyone?

Everyone can benefit from a breathing session. There are many differnt styles and it is a matter of finding the one that is most suited to the type of condition a person is in. However it is not recommended to anyone who is not ready yet to accept personal responsibility. This means someone who does not believe in the concept that 'we are the creators of all our experiences'. Also, people who do not want to change themselves or are willing to accept change of their life situation. People who are not able to follow breathing instructions cannot be guided into a breathing session. Even children, elderly people and the infirm can benefit from one of the meditative connected breathing styles.

Is it safe?

No-one has died from breathwork.

Does it always work?

It works if the breather is able to keep the breath connected, breathe deeply and stay conscious and connected to their body during a session. Sometimes if a person cannot breathe deeply enough in the allotted time or they are too uncertain to fully relax into the process or they fall asleep, the session does not bring any results. When the breather has certain expectations of the session it can happen that he/she does not notice the results if they are differnt from their expectations.

Will breathwork change my life?

Yes, breathwork is a powerful tool. It brings about changes in the personality by releasing physical and emotional tensions. This increases your awareness and clears unconscious beliefs and patterns of behaviour.
Breathwork also transforms. This refers to our state of soul. After some time of regular sessions the rebirthee's understanding of human nature expands. Through the dis- identification from personality patterns the individual emerges and an awarenes of being a soul evolves. The changes that occur in the soul are usually referred to as transformation, because they change a person, not just their behaviour.

Is it hyperventilation?

Breathwork is not hyperventilation. Hyperventilation is over-breathing; pushing the exhale. In Breathwork the only effort is on the inhale. Hyperventilation is normally caused by stress and tension, while the focus in Breathwork is on complete relaxation.

How many sessions should I do?

Rebirthers offer different cycles of sessions. It is recommended that new rebirthees have a sequence of sessions to begin with. This helps to really learn how to use the breath efficiently. It cannot be learned in one session. Another reason for session cycles of 3, 5 or 10 sessions is to have the continuity to work on deeper issues. Some issues are not dealt with in one session. For example the effects of very traumatic events like rape or violence or severe accidents, war tauma etc, require time. Each Rebirth is a step in the unfolding of the body memory and each person will find their own pace at which to work. A commitment to a session cycle also helps to overcome resistance when uncomfortable feelings and experiences emerge from the subconscious.

Is it a cult?

Definitely not; breathwork is a breathing technique. It is not a religion. Rebirthers respect most systems of thought and belief. The technique is open to your individual interpretation.

Why has the name been changed from Rebirthing to breathwork?

When the technique was established in the late 1970s, many people experienced release from birth trauma. However, to day it is known that birth trauma is only one aspect of a wide range of traumas. Back then, many people experienced the beginning of their spiritual journey through breathwork as a spiritual birth. The energies during a breathwork session can be the same as during childbirth. The name change has cause confusion. Some people believe that breathwork and rebirthing are two different things and there has been much debate amongst the members of the profession. Many ex-rebirthers believe that breathwork more accurately describes the technique.

What is breathwork?

We can't rely on intellect alone to get us over a painful experience because the memories may be stuck - not in the mind, but - in the physical body. We heal by letting the body do its work in conjunction with Spirit, when the ego's intellect drops its tendency to be judgmental, and steps aside. The body knows how to heal itself when we get out of its way.

By opening the psyche, which knows what each particular person needs, breathwork offers an accelerated path to healing.

The science of vibration is essential to this healing process of breathwork. In a non-ordinary state, the body spontaneously puts us into the physical positions necessary to recreate whatever it is we need in order to heal. The body knows; the soul knows. Only the intellect can lie.

---- Jacquelyn Small

What is Rebirthing Breathwork?

Rebirthing is:

A simple, gentle yet powerful technique. It gives access to, release and integrate memories, emotions and patterns stored in your body, mind and soul that hinder you from living your full potential, physically, emotionally and mentally.
The art of conscious connected breathing.
A powerful healing method which offers you an experience of freedom and mastery in your life.
The science of enjoying all of your life.
The art of not holding your breath!

How is it done?

You discuss your issues with your Rebirther (approx. 50 - 60 min).
The breathing session itself is done lying down. You learn to consciously connect your breathing so that there are no pauses between the inhale and the exhale. The breathing is relaxed, yet full. Slowly you are guided to find your own rhythm, probably slightly faster and fuller than you are used to. With your rebirhter you work with the material that surfaces. This part lasts approximately 1 hour.
An integration phase of about 10 minutes finishes the breathing time.
In total, a session takes 2-3 hours.

How does it work?

The breath is the bridge between the conscious and the unconscious.
Rebirthing works on the principle that there is a direct connection between mental and physical well-being and the openness of the breathing. Relaxing and releasing the breath dissolves tension in the body and mind.

Physiological explanation

Through breathing continuously without break, your body takes in more oxygen than usual, which changes the CO2 level in your brain.
You enter a self-induced higher state of consciousness (non-ordinairy state of mind) where memories, pictures or emotions can come up to the surface to be reviewed, released and integrated.
The power of Rebirthing is that in this state you are the experiencer and the observer of a past incident at the same time, and therefore able, to release or re-interpret what happened then from a new and conscious perspective.

Holistic explanation

Through conscious connected breathing you accumulate life force (prana, chi, ki) which starts to move freely through your body (experienced as tingling, energy rushes or waves).
This loosens up stored blockages held in your four-body energy system (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual), thus working on all four levels at the same time. Experiences can vary every time.
The spectrum of experiences range from physical sensations of pain or pleasure to release of emotions (sadness, grief, joy, anger etc.).
There could be realisations of dysfunctional thought patterns or new thought connections and insights, and deeply spiritual or energetical experiences.

The Rebirther

The Rebirther is your guide on the journey.
He/she will skilfully manoeuvre you through the surfacing material, witness and validate your experiences, help you to stay present and maintain your mental clarity. To integrate what has come up a skilled rebirther may use various psycho-therapeutic integration tools.
The rebirther needs to be professionally trained and experienced, as well as giving unconditional personal regard and being non-judgmental and compassionate.
It is important that you feel comfortable with your rebirther.


Rebirthing has an innate self-regulatory mechanism. Whatever surfaces might be challenging for you, but is never more than can safely be integrated.
You don't necessarily have to understand or review certain incidents as pictures or thoughts to be able to release the charge around them as the whole process has its own innate intelligence.
The breath will bring up what is most important for you in this moment, enabling you to take your next step towards becoming whole and happy.
Nobody has ever died of taking deep breaths!

Logistics and finances

Once you have chosen your Rebirther you usually agree on a sequence of 10 (suggested) Rebirthing sessions.
After these you decide together what would be the most helpful or appropriate next step for you.
Another way of experiencing rebirthing is in a group setting and many Rebirthers also run various workshops. Individual and group breathing sessions are completely different experiences. Both are highly recommended.

Who does rebirthing?

Rebirthing is a journey towards freedom. But the obstacles to freedom are many and varied and it is these obstacles that propel people into seeking therapy through rebirthing.
They include:
  • relationship difficulties or patterns that keep repeating themselves in every relationship;
  • not knowing who you are and what you want;
  • not living up to your potential;
  • feeling trapped in a way of being, stressed out by efforts to please others;
  • stress;
  • job-related problems;
  • depression;
  • anxiety, panic attacks, phobias;
  • shyness and low self-esteem, lack of confidence;
  • general unhappiness with what seems like every aspect of your life;
  • an inability to feel;
  • weakened immune system;
  • aches and pains;
  • trauma;
  • abuse;
  • simply wanting to get to know yourself better and enjoy life more.

The beauty of breathing

My personal experience of Rebirthing Breathwork

by Kobus Burger

I'll never forget my first Rebirthing Breathwork session. Not for what happened during that session or the changes I could see in my life afterwards. I guess it was the shock. I was completely flabbergasted by the simplicity. I wanted it to be more complex - or rather, my mind wanted to complicate it!

Rebirthing Breathwork brought me back into my body. Down towards the roots of my physical existence. It gave me tremendous body awareness. I now feel my feelings in my body and became much more aware, more quickly, of when I'm blocking my energy flow with a negative thought.

Through this new awareness I can now immediately realize when I stop breathing - normally the cause of a holding pattern.

Thanks to Rebirthing Breathwork I shifted easily from my addictive thinking (worry thoughts) into feeling whatever I am feeling without judgement. For example, when I bumped my brand new car into a tree, it didn't upset me for a second. Yes, I was shocked and disappointed, but knew that worrying about it won't repair it.

Rebirthing Breathwork showed me the limitations of talking (thinking?) things through. Although there is some processing involved in a Breathwork session, there is no need to understand anything, to dig for deeply embedded reasons or causes for behaviour or current circumstances. All major shifts happen in a higher state of consciousness where the mind's analysis is not needed.

I've read a lot about Present Moment Awareness or Living in the Now - free from the projections of the Past and the Future. Eckhart Tolle's The Power of Now is one of my favourite books about the subject and an inspiration to keep living in the Now. But, even after reading it for the second time and working with his exercises, I struggled with making Present Moment Awareness a part of my day-to-day life.

Through Rebirthing I stepped into the Present Moment Awareness without doing anything. It just happened. That's the beauty of Rebirthing: there's hardly any effort!
The moment I push or force my breath, I'm not surrendering to the natural flow of the life force.

Before Rebirthing I saw everything (every single meditation, therapy, technique, healing modality or exercise) as a quick-fix. Rebirthing made me discover that I am on a journey and that although there are miraculous breakthroughs, breathing is a moment-to-moment awareness - a process, not a product.

Any artist will tell you that true satisfaction come from focussing on the process of creation and enjoying it with all your senses. When you focus on the product, you set yourself up for disappointment. Breathing is an art of sheer enjoyment!

By letting go of my expectations, I could breathe easier because I could let go of the suffering I caused myself by pushing so hard... mending, fixing, working, doing, changing, striving...
There is innocence and beauty in acceptance, by being breathed by Life itself.

Rebirthing healed me of my obsession with finding a guru, teacher, sage or enlightened being with all the answers. It gently brought me back - through my breath - to my Self. It greatly enhanced my intuition and made me see the powerful answers I already have within myself. Through greater awareness I gently released myself from the Victim Consciousness (which Caroline Myss calls Woundology). I now can access my innate wisdom to guide me away from the old pattern of constantly feeling sorry for myself.

What I love about Rebirthing is that it doesn't promise miraculous healing. You won't hear that Rebirthing would heal your from a chronic illness. Although, in many cases it did just that and will bring powerful physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing to many, many people. But the special power of Rebirthing breathwork is that you discover your own healing potential and don't give your power away to someone else. Instead, you allow the miracle within you to show its beauty to you by connecting your breath, your Spirit!

Rebirthing showed me what honesty and truth is. How I can be honest to myself about what I am feeling right now and that that is OK. Perfect. There's no need to run away from it, hide, suppress, cop out or act out in order to feel better. Through embracing my deepest feelings and feeling them without judgement I have released so much energy that has been employed in the past to hold a lid onto things I didn't want to admit to myself or face in any way.

Rebirthing is a gradual process of tapping into your Higher Consciousness or innate wisdom. It's all about taking one step at a time. Some therapies open the flood gates and may cause tremendous discomfort by taking people too deep into what is underneath the surface. By breathing you respect your own body's wisdom and allow the healing to progress in a natural, yet forceful, way.

Sometimes it feels as if I have only taken one step in the right direction, but then I also know with my whole Being that my Awareness is a safety net that is keeping me from falling on my face again and again. That it takes only one conscious thought to bring my Breath, my Spirit, into my whole Being.

c Kobus Burger 2003